
“The publisher”: DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) is a property and registered trademark of the company CLICK2GOSOLUTIONS (C2GS).
“Parties”: refers indifferently to third parties Visitor, End Customer, Driver or Operator, natural or legal persons, users of the Platform.
“Platform”: refers to the entire IT device, Website or Application, allowing the execution of a Service.
“Website”: Website available at http://www.driverandbutler.com
“Application”: refers to all executables available on Google Play, Apple Store and in general all sources owned by the “publisher” in an IT environment requiring a download action of these on the part of the End Customer. 
“End Customer”: refers to a natural or legal person who uses the publisher’s Application(s) through the platform. The End Customer is considered the passenger.
“Driver”: refers to a natural or legal person providing support to passengers in execution of an order form issued by the platform. He must have at the time of said execution all the legal authorizations that are sufficient and necessary to perform the Service.
“Operator”: refers to a natural or legal person ensuring direct or indirect order taking for Customers via the Platform.
“Visitor”: Internet user who downloads the Application and does not create a final Customer account.
“Service”: refers to a Service or a set of Services made available by the platform. The Service can be global, sequenced or optional.
“Service”: refers to the component of a Service provided via the Platform.

Reference texts

The legislator has defined a set of legal texts in order to regulate the profession of Transport Vehicle Driver with Chauffeur (VTC).
DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) is a platform for connecting these professionals (Drivers) with passengers (End customers).
DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) requires and verifies that these professionals comply with the reference texts of the profession.
DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) disclaims all liability if one of these Drivers, including their vehicle, does not comply with the following texts:

  • Transport Code: articles L3120-1 to L3120-5
  • Transport Code: articles L3122-1 to L3122-9
  • Transport Code: articles R3120-1 to R3120-11
  • Transport Code: articles R3122-1 to R3122-15
  • Registration in the register, obligations related to the vehicle and the driver
  • Decree No. 2014-1725 of December 30, 2014 relating to private public transport of people
  • Decree No. 2017-24 of January 11, 2017 defining the criteria characterizing vehicles with low and very low emission levels of less than 3.5 tonnes
  • Order of March 26, 2015 relating to the characteristics of vehicles used by operators of transport cars with Driver
  • Order of January 28, 2015 relating to the signage of transport cars with Driver
  • Order of January 28, 2015 relating to the financial capacity of operators of transport cars with Driver
  • Order of February 2, 2016 relating to the conditions of approval of training centers for transport car drivers with Chauffeur
  • Order of February 2, 2016 relating to the training and examination of transport car drivers with Chauffeur
  • Order of December 23, 2016 on VTC driver training and examination and Order of September 28, 2016 on VTC driver training and examination
  • Order of December 9, 2015 on the creation of a processing of personal data called “VTC” on the declaration obligations of transport car companies with Driver
  • Order of February 1, 2017 amending the order of December 9, 2015 creating a processing of personal data called “VTC”
  • Decision n°2015-468/469/472 QPC of May 22, 2015
  • Interministerial circular of June 24, 2015 relating to public passenger transport
  • Order of November 25, 2016 amending the order of January 28, 2015 relating to the signage of transport cars with Driver
  • Order of April 6, 2017 relating to the signage of transport cars with Driver
  • Order of August 11, 2017 amending the order of April 6, 2017 on the examination tests for access to the professions of taxi driver and transport car with Chauffeur
  • Order of August 11, 2017 amending the order of April 6, 2017 on the amount of registration fees for the taxi driver and transport car driver exams with Chauffeur
  • Order of August 11, 2017 relating to the continuing training of taxi drivers and transport car drivers with Chauffeur and the mobility of taxi drivers
  • Order of September 7, 2017 relating to professional transport car driver cards with Chauffeur DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) does not operate with capacity type professionals.

The DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) General Conditions of Use and Sale define the terms of execution of the relationship between the Parties and DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B).
DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) is a brand owned by the company CLICK2GOSOLUTIONS. The General Conditions of use and sale come into force as soon as they are posted online and apply to the Parties.
These are “versionable” and their update date is available at the end of this document.
Putting online means immediate availability on the website of the publisher, the brand, Google Play or the Apple Store.
The General Conditions of use and sale may be adapted, modified or revised at any time.
Only the latest version of the General Conditions of Use and Sale prevails. Generally speaking, DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) acts as a simple intermediary between the Parties in accordance with the provisions of Article L. 3122-1 of Law No. 2014-1104 of October 1, 2014.

Article 1 – Description of services
The Platform offers Services accessible by downloading Applications or on its Website.
A Visitor wishing to benefit from the Services offered by the Platform must create an End Customer account.
The Platform provides the End Customer with the following elements:
  • a database of Drivers providing Transport Services,
  • a platform allowing the connection between the End Customer and the Drivers,
  • Additional Services requiring the intervention of a Driver,
  • Immediate departure Services, reservation or subscription.
The Platform provides the Driver with the following elements:
  • a purchase order,
  • a user account containing all of its legal documents,
  • proposals for Services for immediate departure, reservation or subscription.
The Platform provides the Operator with the following elements:
  • a database of Drivers providing Transport Services,
  • a Website (webdesk) allowing connection between the End Customer and the Drivers,
  • a report of the operations carried out by him on the Platform.
Article 2 – Access to the service

The Parties must ensure the compatibility of their computer hardware and software installed to access the Site and the Application.
The Site is accessible at the address https://www.driverandbutler.com
The Application is available in two (2) versions: End Customer and Driver. The Application is available on the Apple Store and Google Play download platforms.
The Parties undertake to read and respect the general conditions of use of the download platforms.
DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) regularly provides major and minor updates to its Applications.
It is recommended to carry out version checks of the Applications in order to run the Services correctly.
The Services are accessible to the parties 24 hours a day, 7 days a week except in cases of force majeure, events beyond the control of DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) and possible breakdowns.
In order to ensure the technical maintenance of the Site and/or the Application, DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) may occasionally interrupt access to them.
As far as possible, DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) informs the Visitor, the End Customer or the Operator in advance of any interruption of the Services.
In the event of a malfunction of the Platform, the Parties may not claim any compensatory indemnity.
DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) acts with an obligation of means.

Article 3 – Conditions of access to the service

Registration is only authorized for natural persons over 18 years of age with the capacity to perform legal acts.
However, legal guardians of minor natural persons may proceed with their registration without DRIVER & BUTLER ( D&B) be held responsible for their access to the Service.
The registration of a legal entity must only be undertaken by a natural person authorized to represent it, who must be named.
Access to the Services is reserved for the Visitor who creates an End Customer account.
To create their End Customer account, the Visitor must provide essential information: nickname, last name, first name, or company name, mobile phone number, email, a validation code received by SMS, a password and their means of payment.
The End Customer’s account is personal. There can only be one account per End Customer.
The processing of personal data held by DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) is governed by the Legal Notices available on the Website.
The End Customer also undertakes to provide accurate, complete and up-to-date information and not to usurp the identity or status of third parties.
Failing this, he will be solely responsible for the consequences that may result from the provision of misleading, invalid or erroneous information to DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B), another End Customer or to a Driver. DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) has no obligation to verify the reality of the identity of the End Customer and does not have the technical and/or legal means allowing it to do so. The End Customer undertakes to regularly check the contact details he provides to DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) and not to allow any other natural or legal person access under his identity or user name.
However, in the event of doubt as to the reality of the information disclosed by the End Customer or in the event of denunciation by a third party, a Visitor, another End Customer or a Driver suggesting the existence of identity theft or existence of fictitious information provided by the End Customer, DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) reserves the right:

  • to take the End Customer account offline,
  • to request supporting documents from the end Customer in question,
  • to proceed with the deletion of the End Customer account without response or provision of the requested supporting documents,
  • to initiate legal proceedings.

For the Driver, the access account to the Platform is operated directly by DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) by appointment.

Article 4 - Price and payment

Use of the Application and/or Site is free of charge.
The cost of telephone communications and Internet access is borne exclusively by the Visitor or End Customer.
Payment for the Service, once it has been completed, is made directly on the Application for immediate departure and simple reservation.
Payment is made by valid credit card. DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) systematically checks the validity of the credit card used by the end customer.
The payment of the subscription and the provision of chauffeur-driven vehicles are the subject of an express agreement between DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) and the end customer.
The amount of the Service is payable in advance and within 24H00 prior to the Service.
Rates are available directly on the DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) Application and/or website. They are subject to change without notice.

Article 5 – Price of the service
The pricing of the Service is indexed to the price based on the number of kilometers traveled as well as the time spent (horokilometric rate) When providing a vehicle with driver, pricing is by the hour. The price per number of kilometers is itself indexed on 4 factors and depending on the type of vehicle chosen by the End Customer:
  • a day rate,
  • a night rate from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.,
  • a weekend rate,
  • an exceptional day rate including public holidays, historical events, holidays and the eve of holidays, New Years Eve, etc.
As part of the provision of vehicles with Drivers, the following elements are the responsibility of the Customer and included in the quote becoming an Order:
  • catering costs for the Driver,
  • accommodation costs for the Driver after 8 hours of driving and divided into 4 breaks,
  • motorway tolls,
  • parking meters,
  • entry fees to public or private property rights,
Article 6 – Order process
DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) offers 4 types of Services:
  • immediate departure: command with immediate effect,
  • the reservation: order with deferred and modifiable effect,
  • the subscription: recurrence of identical reservations/orders with deferred and modifiable effects,
  • the provision of vehicles and drivers: order by the hour and/or by the split day.
Immediate departure and booking are made directly on the App.
The subscription (recurrence of reservations) and the provision of vehicle(s) with Driver(s) are made by telephone calls and issuance of quotes.
To place an order, the End Customer provides on the Application:
  • the starting address of the race,
  • the arrival address of the race,
  • the departure time,
  • the number of passengers by selecting the type of vehicle desired.
As part of a subscription or provision of vehicles with Drivers, the quote issued by DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) includes at least the previous information.
Article 7 – Modification/cancellation of an order by the end customer

An order can be modified within 15 minutes following its validation on the Application for immediate departure.
For a reservation, a subscription or the provision of a vehicle with a driver, the order can be modified within 48 hours preceding its execution. No refund will be given.
Cancellation fees by the customer for immediate departure: 7,50 euros including tax.
The absence of the End Customer within 15 minutes (45 minutes in an airport) at the departure address and at the estimated time of arrival by the Application is grounds for cancellation by the Driver. Absence of the passenger: billing for the journey.
Minimum penalty for any booking including all taxes and fees: 10,00 euros for each ride under 100,00 euros and 20,00 euros over 100,00 euros.
All the cancellations received less than 24 hours before the ride: full amount of the booking.
For the provision of vehicles with Drivers, the end Customer may cancel the Service within 12:00 p.m. preceding this.
After this period, a lump sum of 120.00 euros including tax per tranche of 500.00 euros including tax of the total amount of the Service will be invoiced to the end Customer.
The absence of the End Customer within 15 minutes at the departure address and at the estimated time of arrival by the Application is grounds for cancellation by the Driver.
As a courtesy agreement, the Driver contacts the End Customer upon arrival at the departure address.

Article 8 – Modification/cancellation of an order by D&B
DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) offers the End Customer a workaround solution.
The upgrading of the End Customer is the responsibility of DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B).
If the End Customer is downgraded, DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) will reimburse the End Customer for the difference in price paid.
If DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) cannot offer a workaround solution, the End Customer will be fully refunded.
Article 9 – Itinerary

The Application offers the end Customer an itinerary for information only.
The Driver will choose, in agreement with the End Customer, the route he considers to be the most appropriate.
Unless otherwise indicated by the End Customer at the start of the Service, it will be considered that the End Customer has accepted the itinerary.
During the trip, the End Customer may ask the Driver to modify the initial route.
The Driver reserves the right to refuse this modification and/or additional stops during the Service.
If the Driver accepts the modification of the route, additional invoicing will be due by the End Customer.
The End Customer will pay the additional invoicing directly and exclusively to DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B).
Additional charges apply when the Service exceeds the time stipulated when booking.
Approval of overtime is not guaranteed and depends on the availability of the Driver team.
The Driver drops off the End Customer at the arrival address.
In the event that the End Customer’s drop-off location is located in a pedestrian zone or in an area prohibited from traffic, the Driver will drop off the End Customer at the nearest and most appropriate drop-off point.

Article 10 – Baggage and passengers

The total weight of luggage is limited to what is compatible with the Vehicle used, within the limits of accessible space. 
DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) will not be held responsible for any loss or theft of luggage during or after the performance of the Service.
The personal effects of the End Customer are under his sole responsibility. DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) will not be held responsible for any loss or damage to these effects.
The maximum number of passengers in the Vehicle (including the Driver) must not exceed the maximum number of passengers mentioned in the technical specifications of the Vehicle as well as in the Customer’s order as part of the provision of a vehicle with Driver.
The Driver reserves the right to refuse a passenger exceeding these limits.
The Driver reserves the right to refuse animals.

Article 11 - Refusal of support by the driver
The Driver reserves the right to refuse to perform the Service in the following cases:
  • when the End Customer is drunk or behaves violently towards the Driver and/or third parties,
  • in the presence of animals,
  • When the number of people and/or luggage is inappropriate with regard to the capacities of the Vehicle and does not comply with the order,
  • when the children do not have a suitable seat.
Article 12 – Driver rating
DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) offers End Customers the possibility of rating the journey made on the basis of several objective criteria, namely:
  • presentation,
  • courtesy,
  • punctuality,
  • security,
  • cleanliness of the vehicle,
  • chosen route.
Article 13 – Electronic payment
Payment is made online via a secure payment platform (STRIPE) by credit card.
The end Customer’s bank card is debited on the day of the reservation.
Article 14 – Intellectual property
DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) is registered as a trademark.
The domain name http://www.driverandbutler.com, the DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) word mark and the DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) logos are protected. These elements may not be used without the express permission of DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B).
Drivers may be required to wear representative clothing which is itself protected.
DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) is the owner of the intellectual property rights to the Site, the Application and the Services made available to the Visitor and the End Customer.
Any use not expressly authorized by DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) under the General Conditions of Use and Sale is unlawful, in accordance with articles L.122-4 and L.122-6 of the Intellectual Property Code. 
In particular, the Parties are prohibited from:
  • any representation, distribution or marketing of elements of the Site, the Application and the Services, whether free of charge or for a fee,
  • any form of use of the Site, the Application and the Services in any way whatsoever for the purposes of designing, producing, distributing or marketing a similar, equivalent or substitute Service,
  • any direct or indirect provision of the Site, the Application and the Services for the benefit of a third party, in particular by rental, transfer or loan, even free of charge unless there is prior written agreement from DRIVER & BUTLER ( D&B),
  • any use for processing not authorized by DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B).
Furthermore, the Site and the Application are a database belonging to DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) and accessible to the Visitor and end Customer.
The Visitor and the End Customer have no right to reproduce, adapt, translate or represent the database outside the limits strictly defined in the General Conditions of Use and Sale.
In application of articles L342-1 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code, the Visitor, the End Customer and the Driver are prohibited from:
  • to extract by permanent or temporary transfer all or a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial part of the content of the Site or the Application on another medium, by any means and in any form whatsoever,
  • to reuse all or a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial part of the content of the Site or the Application by making it available to the public,
  • to extract or reuse repeatedly or systematically qualitatively or quantitatively non-substantial Parts of the content of the Site or the Application when these operations clearly exceed the normal conditions of use of the Site or the Application,
  • to commercially exploit with third parties its rights of access to the Site or the Application.
Article 15 – Right of use
DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) grants the Visitor and the End Customer a non-transferable and non-exclusive right to use the Site, the Application and the Services.
This right of use allows the Visitor or the End Customer to download and install a copy of the Application on his mobile phone (or smartphone) and to use this copy for personal use only.
The granting of the right to use the Site, the Application and the Services does not entail the transfer of any right of ownership thereof for the benefit of the Visitor or the End Customer.
The Visitor and the End Customer undertake to use the Services for their own needs only.
Article 16 – Responsibilities
DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) undertakes to provide all diligence for the execution of the General Conditions of Use and Sale.
As such and for all the obligations incumbent upon it, it is bound by a obligation of means.
DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) assumes no liability for any use of the Services that does not comply with the General Conditions of Use and Sale.
DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) declines all responsibility in the event of any damage that may result from the unavailability of the Site, the Application or a problem connecting to the Site or the Application.
Similarly, DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) declines all liability in the event of damage resulting from the Driver’s fault during the performance of the Transport Service. The Driver remains solely civilly liable for damages suffered by the End Customer during the performance of the Service (in the event of a traffic accident in particular and this in accordance with the law of July 5, 1985).
DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) will not be responsible for any loss or damage that may result from the loss or fraudulent use of passwords, identifiers.
DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) will also be released from all liability for delays or failures to perform the contractual obligations incumbent on it and which would be the consequence of facts relating to force majeure as defined by the courts.
The Party believing that an event of force majeure has constituted must immediately notify the other Party in writing of these circumstances as well as when it considers that the event could end.
In any event, DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) cannot be held liable for consequential and/or immaterial, foreseeable or unforeseeable damages (including loss of profits) arising from the supply and/or use of the Site or the Application or the total or partial inability to use the Services provided on the Site or the Application.
DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) disseminates and makes available to Visitors or End Customers information provided by Drivers.
DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) cannot verify or guarantee the veracity, completeness and accuracy of the information transmitted.
DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) cannot be held responsible for errors, whether manifest or not, and for any inaccurate, misleading or erroneous information, or any lack of information whatsoever.
DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) certifies to the Visitor and the End Customer that it holds insurance covering its professional civil liability limited to the connection between the End Customer and the Driver providing the Service.
DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) cannot therefore be held liable for material, immaterial or bodily damage directly caused by the manifest fault of a Driver operating a Service.
Article 17 – Notifications
The Visitor or the End Customer who considers that certain information available on the Site and/or the Application is inaccurate, even illegal or of an offensive, discriminatory or defamatory nature, is invited to file a notification.
Pursuant to article 6. I. 7 of the law for confidence in the digital economy of June 21, 2004 (n°2004-575), the end Customer or the Visitor must inform DRIVER & BUTLER ( D&B) any message advocating crimes against humanity, inciting racial hatred, touching child pornography, inciting violence or violating human dignity.
The notification takes the form of an e-mail addressed to contact@driverandbutler.com in which the End Customer or the Visitor will state their surnames, first names, address and the description of the disputed facts.
The notification must include the description of the disputed facts and their precise location on the platform, the reasons for which the content must be removed, including the mention of the legal provisions and the justifications of the facts. As far as possible, the Visitor or the End Customer must send a copy of the correspondence addressed to the author of the contentious information or activities requesting their interruption, withdrawal or modification, or the justification of what the author does not could be contacted.
The attention of the Visitor or the End Customer, author of a notification, is drawn to the fact that an inaccurate denunciation is likely to expose him to criminal sanctions and agrees to indemnify DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) against the possible consequences of ‘an abusive notification.
DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) undertakes to react promptly to any notification from a Visitor or an End Customer made in due form and prima facie justified.
DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) will take care to preserve the anonymity of the Visitor or the end Customer, author of the contentious remarks, if necessary, while reserving the right to take any useful measure against him.
Article 18 – Duration and termination

The General Conditions of use and sale are concluded for an indefinite period and can be terminated at any time by the End Customer, without particular reason: following cases:

  • by permanently deleting the Application from your smartphone, i.e. by deactivating any possibility of using the Application and Services,
  • by asking DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) to close and delete its End Customer account by email to the address: contact@driverandbutler.com

DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) will delete the account of the End Customer who requests it provided that no other operation is in progress.
Any termination will take effect within 15 clear days following the date on which the notification was sent.
DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) reserves the right to temporarily or permanently deactivate the registration of an End Customer, to terminate it and to stop providing its Services in the following cases:

  • in the event of violation of the General Conditions of Use and Sale,
  • if DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) is unable to verify or authenticate the information provided, and the End Customer does not respond to its verification and/or authentication requests,
  • if the actions of the End Customer are likely to incur the liability of DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B), that of another End Customer or a Visitor or a Driver,
  • if the account remains inactive for a period of twenty-four (24) months.
Article 19 – Personal data
DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) is registered with the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL).
The registration number is available in the legal notice.
No personal data is collected without the knowledge of the Visitor or the End Customer by DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B).
Within the framework of the law of January 6, 1978 relating to Information Technology and Liberties, any Visitor or Customer final is informed that the personal data it communicates through the forms on the Site or the Application are necessary to respond to its request, and are intended exclusively for DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B).
Any natural or legal person using the Site or the Application is informed that they have a right of access and rectification relating to personal data concerning them with DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B), via the contact email address @driverandbutler.com
The natural or legal person may also, for legitimate reasons, oppose the processing of data concerning him.
The Visitor and the End Customer must ensure compliance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 as amended or more generally any applicable standard. The Visitor and the End Customer must carry out, where applicable, any additional declaration procedures with the CNIL or any competent entity.
The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) was implemented on May 25, 2018.
Article 20 – Cookies
A cookie is information placed on the hard drive of the End Customer’s or Visitor’s computer by the Site’s server or by a third party server.
A cookie makes it possible to memorize the choices made by a Visitor or End Customer and to easily recognize the Visitor and the End Customer using a unique identifier.
To manage the content of its Site, DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) uses several technologies and in particular the Google Analytics solution which places cookies on the terminal of the Visitor and the End Customer.
The purpose of the cookies used is to:
  • share content with other users,
  • manage the End Customer’s account,
  • measure the audiences of the Site and/or Application,
  • analyze the interests of Visitors or End Customers,
In accordance with article 32-II of the law of January 6, 1978, DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) informs the Visitor and the end Customer by a banner that the continuation of their navigation constitutes agreement to the installation and reading of cookies.
The cookies placed by DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) are necessary for the provision of a Service expressly requested by the End Customer (session identifier cookies, authentication of the End Customer, etc.).
They will not be subject to a collection of prior consent.
However, the Visitor or End Customer may refuse the installation of cookies placed by DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) on the hard drive of their computer by selecting the appropriate settings in their browser.
Additional cookies are placed by DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) to carry out targeted advertising operations, audience measurements or to generate social network shares. In such cases, DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) expressly obtains the consent of the Visitor or End Customer, who has the option of refusing the cookies placed.
Cookies are retained by DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) for 12 months.
Article 21 – Confidentiality
The Parties undertake to keep confidential all information, whatever its nature, concerning the activity of the other Party exchanged under these General Conditions of Use and Services, and of which they have become aware on occasion. of the conclusion and execution hereof, including but not limited to technical information, commercial, financial and other information.
To this end, the Parties will make all necessary arrangements with their staff or with companies to which they may use, in order to maintain the confidential nature of the said information.
The Parties undertake in particular to limit its distribution to those members of their staff who need it in the exercise of their functions for the execution of these presents.
Article 22 – Requirements
Any liability action against DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) is time-barred one (1) year after the occurrence of the potentially damaging event causing it.
Article 23 – Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

The General Conditions of use and sale are subject to French law.
Any dispute or dispute relating to the validity, interpretation or execution of the General Conditions of Use and Sale must first be settled amicably between the Parties and DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B).The competent courts are those of the city of Nantes.

Article 24 – General clauses
If one or more stipulations of these General Conditions of Use and Sale are void in application of a law, a regulation or following a final decision of a competent court, the other stipulations will retain their full validity. unless they are inseparable from the void provision.
The fact of DRIVER & BUTLER (D&B) not exercising, at any time, a prerogative recognized by the General Conditions of Use and Sale may in no case be interpreted as an express or tacit waiver of the right to exercise said prerogative in the future.
All rights reserved 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.
Version updated to 01702/2022
Any representation or reproduction in whole or in part made without the consent of the author or his successors or assigns is illicit.
The same applies to translation, adaptation or transformation, arrangement or reproduction by any art or process.

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