French Ministry of Transport registered number : EVTC044180112
Registration date : 07/28/2018
Renewal date : 09/12/2028
Operating since 12/18/2017
France certificate of incorporation : 83482661200014 RCS Nantes
International certificate of incorporation : 270578130 Dun & Bradsteet D-U-N-S number
VAT number : FR85834826612
Legal status : SAS
Company’s share capital : 22 650,00 euros
Activities : website hosting, datas processing, call center, booking center and cab/taxi/VTC driving
VTC driving :
BPCE IARD contract number 144311324H
Global responsability amount : 1 000 000,00 euros
Booking center :
CRÉDIT AGRICOLE contract number 885020906
Global responsability amount : 8 000 000,00 euros
Website hosting and datas processing :
PACIFICA contract number 8852017906
Global responsability amount : 8 000 000,00 euros
Company owner warranty :
BPCE IARD contract number 124PC/004964
A Tax Clearance Certificate is confirmation from Revenue that an applicant’s tax affairs are in order.
It is delivered by the french tax administration
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