Driver & Butler is registered with the trade and companies register as a bookings and reservations center.
As such, the company benefits from compulsory civil liability insurance, covering the connection of drivers and passengers.
This insurance is non-transferable.
Definition of a mission:
It is framed by the Thévenoud and Grandguillaume laws.and any amendments thereto.
Assignments acceptance:
The driver to accept or refuse Driver & Butler assignments.
Once an assignment has been accepted, you are also free to request its cancellation, in which case it may be offered to another driver.
For reasons of courtesy, cancellation requests must be made no later than 2H00 (two hours) before the start of the assignment.
Passenger’s lateness or absence:
Delay tolerated for all missions: 15 minutes.
Delay tolerated for missions departing from an airport: 45 minutes.
Passenger’s absence in urban areas (customer no show) beyond these deadlines: payment of the service up to a maximum of 25 euros inc. tax.
Passenger’s absence outside urban areas (customer no show) beyond these deadlines: payment of the service up to 50% of its value including tax.
Billing of delay with passenger contact: 0.50 euros incl. tax per minute.
Subcontractor commission:
Driver & Butler retains a 20% commission on the amount of the order, excluding VAT.
This calculation is made on a VAT-inclusive basis for subcontractors under the auto/micro-entrepreneur scheme.
Payment of commission:
The subcontractor issues fortnightly or monthly invoices.
A check is carried out at the beginning of the following fortnight, triggering payment of the commission.
Customer base:
They are the property of Driver & Butler.
Any untimely canvassing will be considered as unfair competition under extra-contractual civil liability law (articles 1240 and 1241 of the French Civil Code).
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