Kahroo: Bankruptcy, Its Repercussions, and the Future of Ride-Hailing Bookings

In recent months, Kahroo, a major player in the ride-hailing sector, declared bankruptcy. This event has caused significant upheaval in the transportation industry, affecting not only ride bookings but also partners, customers, and businesses dependent on its services. This article examines the consequences of this bankruptcy and offers advice for navigating this period of uncertainty. […]

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VTC industry and Paris 2024 Olympic Games

The VTC Business in Paris: Shaping Up for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games As Paris prepares to host the 2024 Paris Olympic Games, the city’s VTC (Voiture de Transport avec Chauffeur) business is undergoing significant changes to accommodate the anticipated surge in visitors. With millions of tourists, athletes, and media personnel expected to arrive, the […]

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